Desires Are Keys ...
… that unlock your greatest potential and your highest level of service in the world.
Your desires are no mistake. Nor are they selfish. They are indeed at the very foundation of self-care.
Desires are indicators of your natural strengths and inclinations. They have been designed into your personal motherboard in order to give you cues as to where to focus your energy and attention so that you can feel most fully YOU and therefore bring your best to the world.
Being of deepest service in the world REQUIRES that we begin by identifying what will make our hearts feel the most full, so that we have an abundance of our unique gifts to share.
If we set our desires aside, we cannot reach our full potential in service to our families, communities and/or careers.
Indeed, by denying our desires we withhold the very best we can bring in service to these precious relationships.
You may wonder, what happens when we feel we’ve lost touch with our desires because we’ve denied them for a very long time? What then?
The good news is that they are still very much alive within you. With focused support, they will happily re-emerge and shed an entirely new and hopeful light upon your future.
With that, I’d love to know … Has denying your own desires played a role in your personal path of giving?
If so, can you imagine how reconnecting with your desires might enhance your ability to be of service in the world?