Your Unique Dance of Yin/Yang

Your Unique Dance of Yin/Yang

As women who feel a call to be of service in the world, how can we operate BOTH in full faith in the natural unfolding of life AND in the structured leadership that is required in order to create the impact we desire?


Because the truth is that Life can only work well when we play in both fields—or rather, LIVE in both fields.

In some spiritual circles this is referred to as balancing the feminine and masculine energies that reside within each of us, while also understanding that each of us has her own complex of such qualities. In other words, it’s not a 50/50 thing necessarily. Usually not actually.

This is where it becomes imperative that we RECOGNIZE AND HONOR OUR UNIQUE DESIGNS, which requires a surrender of sorts to who we really are—our natural dispositions and inclinations—so as not to contort ourselves into a shape that will never feel right to us.

Interestingly, it would seem as though this would be a given. However, as we all know painstakingly well, we often receive messages—from ourselves and others—that we are not quite enough as we are, so we actually TRY to become more or better.

And this is not meant to take aim at any particular person or entity. The point I want to make here is simply that this requires DISCERNMENT on our parts, because we’re the only ones who actually know what it's like to be us.

QUESTION FOR YOU: With your own uniqueness in mind, let us know below which aspect of you—feminine allowing or masculine structure— is calling to you for more attention right now?

Be the Angel You’ve Been Waiting For

Be the Angel You’ve Been Waiting For

Perfect in Your Imperfection

Perfect in Your Imperfection