Life’s Plan is Even More Grand

Life’s Plan is Even More Grand

You’ve got the big vision, and what a breakthrough it is!  

You can see it, feel it, taste it, and you just know it will come to fruition because you’ve got all angles covered, all the steps laid out.  And you’re sure that you are the person for the job.  So you proceed accordingly, diligent in your process, committed to your purpose. 

And … guess what.  You could possibly be in the most limit-ed and limit-ing frames of mind you’ve ever experienced.   

Because Life needs space to enter the plan if you really want to self-actualize.  So the more defined and self-determined you are in your personal approach, the narrower the potential becomes.  

Now, does this mean we just open to all possibility and allow fate to pull us where it will?

Well, no.  Interestingly, when we open up too wide and release all structure, we get feedback and input from all sorts of realms, which ultimately derails our aspirations because now we’ve got too many cooks in the kitchen in order to make sound decisions.

Ultimately it’s a partnership between us and Life.  We do our part—with discipline, purpose, commitment and most importantly faith—knowing that Life will show up alongside us unceasingly, introducing opportunity and pointing the way toward the greatest possible outcome for all involved.

So, what can you do to forge this partnership in a conscious way?

Here are three solid tips:  

  • ENGAGE frequently in activities that allow you to feel like yourself—where effort falls by the wayside and you find yourself free of burden, worry, self-consciousness, or whatever your foil of choice may be.  This is where you experience embodiment; in other words, a space where you feel at home within your body, rather than within your mind.  This is how we re-member ourselves as creatures of Earth, operating in unison with our surroundings.  Here we access a space of truth, which has nothing to do with thought, but rather sheer, blissful existence.

  • CONNECT regularly with humans who help you to feel safe and supported.  And listen.  Allow the energy of others to enter your space in a calibrated and discerning way, even if you don’t care to share specifically about your own endeavors in the moment.  Simply intend to hold a loving space for others and garner wisdom from the interaction.  We are relational beings, and the fact is that our minds exist as part of the collective, never separate from the whole.  So, as much as it might feel as though you’re operating in a vacuum and that your life is your own, indeed it is that you are never alone in your walk.

  • REQUEST daily collaboration and guidance from That Which You Know to Be Holy.  In other words, be deliberate in seeking direction from a loving and trusted spiritual source so that you’re not attracting all manner of opportunists lurking in the astral plane, very capable of leading you astray.  Go with what you know rather than getting too curious about what and who else might be out there waiting for you.  Imagine a beam of impenetrable light channeling only goodness and forge a personal relationship with a motherly or fatherly energy providing unconditional love, assistance and access to spiritual resources that will elevate your experience of life.

And finally, for bonus points, check in with the Younger You and congratulate her on how far she’s come, how much she’s grown. Let her know how much you love her, and thank her for taking you this far on your journey. She’s really something, you know.

Allow It to Flow

Allow It to Flow

Getting to the Point

Getting to the Point