Enjoyment as Embodiment
Shouldn’t I be working right now? There are income-generating activities I could be engaging in in this very moment, connections I could make with influential folks. Heck, I could even even get my yoga or skates on and work out. In other words, I could be “productive” in the sense that we tend to fathom the notion.
Or … I could cruise the net for a bit and look at homes and other things that bring me excitement and joy—stuff that helps me remember WHY I’d like to be successful in my business to begin with.
The most pertinent question remains: What would feel really GOOD right now?
And, hey, lots of times it is EXACTLY the “productive” stuff, because these things can be fun too. Ideally our vocational lives bring us delight, right?
Fun. Enjoyment. These are what bring us into our bodies and help us to feel grounded. They’re not only necessary but foundational to an inspired life.
And they’re different for each of us. They also shift and change on any given day. So no need to judge ourselves on what sounds wonderful in the moment. Just be thankful that SOMETHING does. Because it’s a gift from On High.