Your Best Will Be Different Every Day
We really never know how we’ll be until we arrive. When the plans we’ve laid out feel too much for the given day, it’s good to default to something simple and enjoyable if at all possible.
And, if there’s a non-negotiable commitment—an important meeting, presentation, project—we can let go in faith that the way we feel today is exactly how we’re meant to feel.
Because Life is always collaborating with us and unfolding for us. Maybe the downshift in our energy or mood is precisely what will make activities more impactful and beneficial both for ourselves and for others.
There’s tremendous power in showing up as fallible and vulnerable humans. It allows others to see and feel us in a way they can relate with; thus trust and regard are allowed to build in a natural way.
Showing up “in perfect form” is alien, actually, and not very relatable at all. So, even when we’re feeling at the top of our game, it often serves us well to tap into our more delicate side before our interactions as it allows for genuine connection to occur.
For most of my life I thought I had to perform at my best all the time. As a result, I often felt misunderstood, under-appreciated and confused. We don’t know what we don’t know, right?
How about you? Do you feel you need to show up consistently strong? If so, do you feel you suffer from the pressure associated with that expectation?