It's Safe to Surrender to Who You Are
I need more sleep than most. At least this appears to be so. And my body seems to be particularly sensitive to stimuli of all sorts, so I can’t seem to just power through in the way that I see others do … and in the way that I myself used to do.
I’m not really sure if this is simply because I’m older now or whether I was just overriding my body’s cues back then because I felt I needed to keep up with what I thought was expected of humans.
What I do know for sure at this time, I’m grateful to report, is that every aspect of my design is purposeful, so it’s not necessary for me to pick myself apart trying to figure it all out. I can simply surrender to who I am and how my body/mind/spirit operates at this time in my life.
I can also surrender to the inevitable changes and shifts that occur within one’s person throughout her life, so I can let go of any idea that I’m supposed to be as I used to be.
Finally, I can let go of fear around what might happen if I do not live up to some preconceived level of performance that I or others have conjured up.
In other words, I’m free to be me. And what a relief it is.
How about you? Do you ever feel at odds with how you naturally operate in the world, as though there’s something that needs fixing, improving or overriding?